Monday, May 16, 2011

Protect your family’s financial future...

“You need to protect your family’s financial future... it has to be through Term Insurance...”
  1. Term Plan with a Regular Premium policy. (Should be the Best... Why? read below) 
  2. Term Plan with Single Premium. 
  3. Term Plan with Return of Premium policy.
 In order to determine which is the best option for you, we will consider a Term Plan with all the 3 options for an individual. 
        (1) Term Plan with Regular Premium Vs (2)Term Plan with Single Premium

35 years
Sum Assured
10 lakhs
Term of policy
20 years
Term Plan with Regular Premium Vs Term Plan with Single Premium
Policy Type
Term Plan
Term Plan
Premium Mode
Total Premium Paid in 20 years
Maturity Benefit
Return on policy.

If you see the above table then you can definitely figure out that in case of Single Premium Term plan, outflow of premium is approx. 50% of Term Plan withregular premium, even though the Sum Assured of Rs. 10 lakhs is same in both the cases.
Actually this is the discounted price or present value of Rs. 4,103 payable for next 20 years at the rate of 8.81% p.a.
Simply it means that if insurance company invests Rs. 41,318 at the rate of 8.81% for next 20 years they will get Rs. 4,103 every year for next 20 years.
The main disadvatage in single premium policy is that you are paying all the future premiums in 1 installment. It implies if something happens to the life assured in 5th year (assumed) of policy then his family will get the sum assured in both the regular and single premium policies, but in case of regular premiums he has paid only 5 installments of Rs. 4,103 i.e. total of Rs. 20,515 while in single premium he has paid Rs. 41,318.
   Term Plan with Regular Premium Vs Term Plan with Return of Premium

35 years
Sum Assured
10 lakhs
Term of policy
20 years
Term Plan with Regular Premium Vs Term Plan with Return of Premium
Policy Type
Term Plan
Term Plan with Return of Premium
Premium Mode
Total Premium Paid in 20 years
Maturity Benefit
Return on policy.

In the above table you can clearly see that Term Plan with regular premium has less than half the premium of Term plan with Return of Premium, but in case of return of premium you will get a maturity amount of Rs. 2,14,000 which you are not getting in case of regular premium.
The maturity benefit you get in return of premium policy is actually the premiums you paid in the last 20 years (Rs. 10,700 * 20).
Insurance companies just to return your premiums paid over 20 years are charging you extra of Rs. 6,597 (Rs. 10,700 – Rs. 4,103). It means they are actually not returning your premium.
They are charging you Rs. 4,103 for insurance insurance cover and additional Rs. 6,597 for providing you Rs. 2,14,000 at maturity. If you calculate the return on extra amount of Rs. 6,597 charged by insurance company is just 4.41% over a period of 20 years which is infact less than FD rate which a bank will give you.
So, financially, if you were to instead just pay Rs. 4,103 as premium, and invest the remaining additional premium (Rs. 6,597) into any safe debt instrument, you would earn a higher return than simply getting your money back grown at 4.41% p.a.
As you can see in the above numerical examples, a straightforward Term Plan is far and away the most financially prudent decision you can make, instead of opting for a Return of Premium policy. Where it comes to a single premium policy, this is beneficial in case of an unfortunate event on the life assured, otherwise it might not be useful at all.
So remember, when taking insurance, be sure to take enough term insurance to adequately protect your dependents, and avoid the Return of Premium policy.
Buying a Term plan for securing your family’s financial future is a good strategy but buying the best option amongst the Term Plan is the best way for you.
This article has been sourced from PersonalFN has been providing independent research on Mutual funds, insurance, fixed income instruments and gold since 1999. It also provides research based advice investment and financial planning solutions to individuals.

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