Monday, May 16, 2011

The Maha-Asmani Maha-Nivasi Retreat:

The Maha Aasmani Retreat is a spiritual journey in the inner space. People travel from different parts of the world to experience the power of Tej Gyan, which is beyond knowledge and ignorance.
The Retreat by Sirshree is Self Realization Intensive. It is a unique opportunity to transformational inquiry into timeless questions of 'Who am I' and 'Why am I' here. In this retreat you will experience complete freedom from the interruptions of worldly obligations. It is a chance to come in congregation with other individuals with the same intention of genuine spiritual transformation, attaining the Final Truth. The significant part of the revolutionary event is Sirshree's guidance. Sirshree's guidance awakens the participants to the highest level of consciousness, a new human experience, a great perspective.
In this new perception you will rediscover answers of the following :
  • Who am I?
  • Why am I here?
  • How to live in the present?
  • What is Self Realization?
Merge with the Oneness, the Consciousness, the Infinite. Learn about the timeless questions and get the profound answers. Understand the difference between the Truth and the words of Truth. Get back to your origin. Find a way back to your true home, the Source… where from all answers and insights manifest.

To avail benefit of The Maha-Asmani Maha-Nivasi Retreat, Please contact us at +91 9921008060 or email us at or Click here

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