Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ever think of how you think?

Sounds like a tricky question? Not really. An individual thinking mechanism or should I say “a person’s way of thinking” surely follows a unique and typical pattern. This personal pattern is developed through life time from childhood till adult age. Your “white paper” are written as a result of your various interactions with environments, that are your family, teacher, friends, beliefs, groups, local culture and more. Believe it or not, this pattern is responsible for our success or failure in life! Many well-known persons have enjoyed the fruits of success, simply by owning a certain successful way of thinking. No wonder many researchers and scientists that studied the formula of successful person, finally end up with a simple conclusion: one’s way of thinking defines his or her success or failure. Let’s have a look at a simple exhibit. Optimist and pessimist are likewise the products of one’s pattern. An individual that has been raised and interact negatively with his or her environment at early age tends to be more pessimistic in life. More likely that he or she has been trapped to a negative way of thinking, that ultimately become a “personal barrier” for his or her most potential achievements.
If we look even deeper to this concept of successful way of thinking, we shall find two beautiful keywords: positive and creative (thinking). The First word (positive) is a foundation to freedom as opposed to a narrow minded way of thinking. The second one (creative), definitely a major driving agent for one’s achievement. By utilizing this two important factors, surely you have the most probable chance to success.

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