Monday, May 16, 2011

Excuse Me God... Fulfilling your wishes through the Power...

There is a way to fulfil every desire. It is by saying, ‘Excuse me God…’ Yes, you can speak to God and ask him for whatever you wish. This communication with God is what is called ‘prayer’. It is the secret solution to every problem. In case, you are saying you have tried it and haven’t got the result, you will come to know why. You will learn how to make your prayer effectual. Faith is the world’s greatest vibration, due to which prayer yields results. When you sow the seed of faith, in return you see your wish being fulfilled in an amazing manner. This book will help you learn what the seed of faith is and how to sow it. Then try it for yourself and see what happens. By sowing the seed of faith, we allow God to work in our life. And when God works, He produces nothing less than miracles.

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