Wednesday, May 18, 2011

ENLIGHTENMENT - Experience the Self, NOW!

Free the mind to rediscover the infinite realm of the Self.
The purpose of man’s life is enlightenment – the realisation of our oneness with the Universal Consciousness through the experience of our essential nature. Self Realisation is just the beginning. Being stabilised in the experience of supreme unbroken bliss, the qualities of Self are expressed through the human body. Thus the journey of complete enlightenment is from Self Realisation to Self Stabilisation to Self Expression.
Written by the enlightened spiritual master, Enlightenment answers questions for a seeker on the spiritual quest. It explains the meaning of enlightenment and the paths to attain it, in a simple and lucid style. The experience of Self exists within us but, we need the ability to journey inside and realise it. The common belief is that enlightenment is not possible in this birth. This book throws light on such prevalent beliefs about enlightenment and shows how we need not wait for a time in the future to experience the Self. Enlightenment is possible in the present. Enlightenment is an essential source book for those who wish to attain this supreme possibility in this lifetime...TGFOnlineStore

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