Thursday, May 19, 2011

Inner Magic - The power of self talk

Nobody and nothing in the world has the power to make you happy or unhappy. It’s only you who can do that. Or rather it is the self-talk that goes on within your mind that makes you feel the way you do. And that’s not all. It’s you who creates your world through your self-talk. Prosperity or poverty, success or failure, happiness or sadness, health or disease, good relations or bad are all a result of your belief system. To turn your beliefs into positive and beneficial ones, you need to consciously change your self-talk. Your self-talk makes or breaks your world; then why not use it to create the best things for you? This is exactly what this book teaches you in a very interesting way. Let the magic of self-talk work in your life to make it a supreme life as well as to make your world beautiful......TGFOnlineStore

My Thoughts make my Life

Outside my window, a new day I see
and only I can determine
What kind of day it will be.
It can be busy and sunny, laughing and gay,
Or boring and cold, unhappy and grey.
My own state of mind is the determining key,
For I am only the person I let myself be.
I can be thoughtful and do all I can to help,
or be selfish and think just of myself.
I can enjoy what I do and make it seem fun,
Or gripe and complain
And make it hard on someone.
I can be patient
With those who may not understand,
Or belittle and hurt them as much as I can.
But I have faith in myself, and
Believe what I say,
And I personally intend to make

Ever think of how you think?

Sounds like a tricky question? Not really. An individual thinking mechanism or should I say “a person’s way of thinking” surely follows a unique and typical pattern. This personal pattern is developed through life time from childhood till adult age. Your “white paper” are written as a result of your various interactions with environments, that are your family, teacher, friends, beliefs, groups, local culture and more. Believe it or not, this pattern is responsible for our success or failure in life! Many well-known persons have enjoyed the fruits of success, simply by owning a certain successful way of thinking. No wonder many researchers and scientists that studied the formula of successful person, finally end up with a simple conclusion: one’s way of thinking defines his or her success or failure. Let’s have a look at a simple exhibit. Optimist and pessimist are likewise the products of one’s pattern. An individual that has been raised and interact negatively with his or her environment at early age tends to be more pessimistic in life. More likely that he or she has been trapped to a negative way of thinking, that ultimately become a “personal barrier” for his or her most potential achievements.
If we look even deeper to this concept of successful way of thinking, we shall find two beautiful keywords: positive and creative (thinking). The First word (positive) is a foundation to freedom as opposed to a narrow minded way of thinking. The second one (creative), definitely a major driving agent for one’s achievement. By utilizing this two important factors, surely you have the most probable chance to success.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Tej Gyan

What is Tej Gyan

     Tej Gyan is a system for wisdom from self help to self realization.
     Tej Gyan means bright truth...that truth which is beyond ignorance and
     knowledge...the source of all the wisdom in the world.
     Tej Gyan Foundation spreads the light of truth taught by Sirshree.

TGF - Tej Gyan Foundation  

Tej Gyan Foundation is a non-profit organisation registered with the objective of creating a highly evolved society by spreading 'Happy Thoughts'. Tej Gyan Foundation has multiple centers across India and has administered several programs across several countries. TGF is a 100% volunteer organization and has over 5000 volunteers including trainers with extensive corporate and international experience. TGF creates a highly evolved society through: Courses, Seminars, Retreats  For more info.... 

About Our Founder-Sirshree

Sirshree's spiritual quest began as a child. Immersed in his spiritual quest, he practiced many meditations. His quest led him to various schools of thought and teachings. His thirst to spend more and more time in the search for truth led him to relinquish his college teaching job. He undertook a long period of contemplation on the mystery of life till his quest ended on enlightenment. He came to the understanding that the missing link in all paths that lead to truth is 'Understanding' itself.

 is  a spiritual maestro whose key teaching is that all path that lead to truth begin differently but end in the same way - with understanding. Sirshree has delivered more than a thousand discourses and written over hundred books on spirituality and self-help.

Magic of Awakening Retreat in Pune on 27, 28 and 29 May 2011

Happy Thoughts!
We cordially invite everyone to participate in the 3 day Magic of Awakening Retreat on  27, 28 and 29 May 2011 in Pune, India
Magic of Awakening Retreat in Pune
Date & Time : 27, 28 and 29 May 2011
9.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. on Fri, 27 May & Sat, 28 May 2011
9.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. on Sunday, 29 May 2011
Aundh Center, Pune
Supreme Centre, Above Pizza Hut,
ITI Road, Aundh, Pune – 411007

Language of instruction : English
Contact : Call   +91 – 9011020854
: Email -
Kindly share this info with your friends.

Magic of Awakening Retreat in Pune on 27, 28 and 29 May 2011

Financial Fitness

You’re doing OK if you are doing the following things:
  1. You’re doing ok, if you are getting a full 12% of your basic deducted towards your Employees’ Provident Fund. This ensures that the employer is pulling in 12% as well into your retirement fund. One calculation says that somebody who begins work in early 20’s at Rs 20,000 a month salary and sees a 10% increment each year will end his career at 60 years of age with a provident fund (PF) corpus of Rs. 2.6 crore. Most of us have fragmented earning lives due to job changes or breaks in career (specially true for women) and don’t allow PF to build up. To get the best of this taxfree government largesse, just don’t break your PF thread. Don’t withdraw, allow it to grow. In addition, if you are contributing the full Rs 70,000 to your PPF account each year and not dipping into it, you’re are doing fine.
  2. You’re doing OK if the house in which you live is fully owned or there is a property that is in your name. In addition, if you decide to take a loan and buy another property as another real estate investment, the math becomes a bit more complicated. It will work if the rent you get covers about half the equated monthly installment (EMI). It will work if the EMI can be covered easily by one income in a two-income household. Real estate gets complicated and very specific to the person because the ability to leverage future income differs across people, incomes and appetite for risk. The safest way is to own the roof over your head fully. Then, as a retirement planning tool, it is fine to buy a second property that you let out. Of course, the ability to deal with the seamier side of India as soon as you get into any property deal is something you need to be able to stomach. Makes me sick—but that’s another story.
  3. You’re doing OK if you have a pure life insurance cover that gives between Rs 25 lakh and Rs 2 crore to your family in your absence. An income of Rs 12 lakh a year will usually need about Rs 50-70 lakh as cover. Keep adding cover for the loans you take. You’re doing OK if you top up your office mediclaim with individual policies for self and spouse. Or if there is no office cover, individual policies for the family topped with a floater. You’re doing OK if a household insurance policy covers the house and its contents.
  4. You’re doing OK if you have some cash in the bank towards an emergency—think of three months without income if you are trying to wrap your mind around the “how much” question. In addition, notice that investment in equity is coming last after all of the above. You are doing OK if you have a portfolio of mutual fund schemes that follow the Mint 50 list of funds. You’re choosing four to six schemes and funding them every month, never mind the boom and bust cycles.
How much should you be investing? Save your age. If you are 20 years of age, 20% of your income is good. At 30, with no assets to your name, you need 30%. At 40 and 50, likewise. Most people do have some asset build-up by the time they hit 35-40, so after counting in the 24% of basic that goes into risk-free EPF, it is safe to put the incremental amount into equity funds. We tend to make baskets of our investments and break up the monthly savings further into equity funds and safe fixed deposits. After all of the above steps are over and you have a number that you know you can save in addition to all the premiums, EMI, PF cuts, tax and all the rest, go solidly for equity funds. And you’ll do OK.

ENLIGHTENMENT - Experience the Self, NOW!

Free the mind to rediscover the infinite realm of the Self.
The purpose of man’s life is enlightenment – the realisation of our oneness with the Universal Consciousness through the experience of our essential nature. Self Realisation is just the beginning. Being stabilised in the experience of supreme unbroken bliss, the qualities of Self are expressed through the human body. Thus the journey of complete enlightenment is from Self Realisation to Self Stabilisation to Self Expression.
Written by the enlightened spiritual master, Enlightenment answers questions for a seeker on the spiritual quest. It explains the meaning of enlightenment and the paths to attain it, in a simple and lucid style. The experience of Self exists within us but, we need the ability to journey inside and realise it. The common belief is that enlightenment is not possible in this birth. This book throws light on such prevalent beliefs about enlightenment and shows how we need not wait for a time in the future to experience the Self. Enlightenment is possible in the present. Enlightenment is an essential source book for those who wish to attain this supreme possibility in this lifetime...TGFOnlineStore

Monday, May 16, 2011

Help God to Help You - Whatever you do, do it with a smile

Does God Need Our Help?
‘God is the Almighty, He can do whatever He wants, then why would he need our help?’ This is what you may ask. But the reality is that God does need our help.
Nature works according to definite laws. Though the laws of nature have been created by God, yet God too cannot break these laws. One of the laws of nature is: ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ If you don’t ask for help, God will not be able to help you. Therefore, if you want help from Him, you will have to learn to ask for guidance from Him. By asking guidance from God, you are helping Him to help you.
To assist you in this process, this book describes the seven obstacles in receiving divine guidance, seven ways to prepare ourselves to receive guidance and the seven steps of guidance.
Once you are familiar with the process, give a green signal to God in order to receive guidance, i.e. say, ‘I am ready to receive the answers to my prayers. I am prepared to decode the messages sent by You.’ Your signal will be green (effective) only when you have a smile on your face, when you do everything with a smile, and when your mission statement of life is: Whatever you do, do it with a smile. This green signal will help the divine guidance to reach you. Thus, what is needed is just your help and your laughter.